
Downloadable Information Sheets (PDF)

To find out what you need to know, download our Information Sheet GWM – JCT Minor Works

The JCT Minor Works Building Contract is a formal contract designed for construction projects where the work is of a simple nature such as home extensions, refurbishment and maintenance.

To find out what you need to know, download our Information Sheet GWM- License to Alter

Leases normally require formal consent to be obtained for internal building works except for any minor modernisation and redecoration. In particular, if a lease specifically prohibits the proposed works, such as structural alterations, a formal Licence to Alter (LTA) will need to be granted by the freeholder to the leaseholder.

To find out what you need to know, download our Information Sheet GWM – Party Walls

There is a common misconception that the party wall sitting astride the boundary is split 50/50 with one owner owning one side and the other owning the other.